Your proposal determines your client’s final decision. Writing a proposal is difficult and time-consuming because you must gather and organize so much information and personalize the content for each client.
Yes’s AI proposal generator offers a quality draft and saves 80% of your time and resources to prepare for a proposal. Let’s get into it!
Get started with templates ✅
Enter or create a project or proposal, and click the Prepare or Try Now button. Then, write a description of your project or use our instruction templates.

Customize ⭐️
To personalize the proposal, you can customize four critical factors:
- Outline: Check out the structure of the proposal. You can also regenerate the outline.
- Client’s key priorities: Every client has a different priority, which is the key to a personalized approach. Your proposal will focus more on meeting your client’s needs.
- Text length: The amount of information is an important factor in writing an appropriate proposal.
- Tone: You can change your tone to persuade and convince your client.

Generate or regenerate ✨
It’s time to meet the quality proposal. You can check out the content and also regenerate different versions to compare. Even though you select one here, you can change the content to others when you want or regenerate another.

Apply 🎉
By applying the selected version, you will be able to edit and improve the content in detail. That’s it.

What’s next 🎁
- Advanced AI Proposal Generator
- Better personalization options
- Rewrite or improve each section
- Applying the project data
- Advanced proposal content with visualization
- AI Meeting Prep ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Yess is turning into the AI-first agency OS. We're bringing you huge updates with a 10x impact, so please stay tuned. If you have any feature requests or bug reports, contact us anytime.
Yess Team